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Eddie B - This Beautiful Invitation (CD-R)
Eddie B - This Beautiful Invitation (CD-R)

Eddie B - This Beautiful Invitation (CD-R)

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  • Eddie had a long battle with sickness, that there was just no answer to; he lost 17 pounds, was shaking all the time, and when he fell to the ground at the Columbia, SC airport, he said, “God, either take me home or heal me,” and the Lord said, “I’m not done with you yet.” The song was birthed, Not Done with Me Yet. The CD came out and within 2 months God healed him.
  • This CD has some in depth songs like, “I Know You Healed Me, Just Hanging out With Jesus, Red Letters, I’m Going to Heaven, and the all time favorite, Just to be With You.
  • Eddie has proven to be an artist that has stood the test of time and through the pain and suffering of this world, came out this Beautiful Invitation.

6 page foldout booklet with lyrics in a jewel case. 

  1. The Invitation
  2. He's Holding Me
  3. Beautiful
  4. Just Hanging Out With Jesus
  5. I Know You Healed Me
  6. Time To Make A Change
  7. I'm Going To Heaven
  8. Not Done With Me Yet
  9. Red Letters
  10. Preach Like That
  11. To Be With You